Keeper : Yes, only for a day. After that, we

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari unknown8299 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Keeper : Yes, only for a day. After that, we burn the pots in a big hot oven made of stones, Oh I see. So, it dries faster. Thank you for the information Read and complete the sentences. Lasano : C 1. A picture made of arranging small colored pieces of hard material is called 2. Van Gogh's is very unique and beautiful 3. They are making big from metal materials. 4. We can find beautiful artwork in Lawang Sewu building. 5. The wall is full of made by street artists. Painting Pottery Sculpture Graffiti Stained glass Mosaic EntrepreneurshipTolong di bantu kak​
Keeper : Yes, only for a day. After that, we burn the pots in a big hot oven made of stones, Oh I see. So, it dries faster. Thank you for the information Read and complete the sentences. Lasano : C 1. A picture made of arranging small colored pieces of hard material is called 2. Van Gogh's is very unique and beautiful 3. They are making big from metal materials. 4. We can find beautiful artwork in Lawang Sewu building. 5. The wall is full of made by street artists. Painting Pottery Sculpture Graffiti Stained glass Mosaic EntrepreneurshipTolong di bantu kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: Mencocokkan

1. Mosaic

2. Painting

3. Sculpture

4. Stained Glass

5. Graffiti

Penjelasan: Pottery disini tidak digunakan karena tidak ada kalimat yang cocok dengan kata pottery.

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Feb 22