What was still remembered by the singer?a. The words whispered

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari budi270919 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

What was still remembered by the singer?a. The words whispered to her
b. The words in the writing
C. The words in the letter
d. The words that make the singer happy
Does the writer think that the feeling is a
a. Yes, she does
b. Yes, she does not
c. No, she does not
d. No, she does
What is represented by the sand of time?
a. Promise that have been made
b. Dream that he wants
c. Goal which he want to reach
d. Target which he tries to get

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Aku Bikin Jawabannya saja ya

1. d.The Words that make the singer Happy

2. a.Yes,she does

3. a. Promis that have been made

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Last Update: Mon, 19 Jul 21