Task 1 Change the verbs in the bracket into present

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dwidesika126 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Task 1 Change the verbs in the bracket into present continuous tense! Look at the following example!Example : 1 (build) a sandcastle right now. -lam building a sandoastle right now.

1. Alex (talk) to his teacher at present. :_________
2. (you/ buy) these books now? : ___________
3. Jim (dig) a big hole at the moment. : ________
4. Tina (draw) a picture of a lion now. : ________
5. The kids (hide) behind the tree now. : ______
6. My sister (not make) a cake now. : __________
7. Look! the sun (rise). : ____________________
8. (Mike/ ride) his bike right now? : ___________
9. (Nick/sing) a song now? : _______________
10. Lily and I (swim) in the pool at the moment. : ______​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Alex (talk) to his teacher at present. : Alex is talking to his teacher at present.

2. (you/ buy) these books now? : are you buying these books now?

3. Jim (dig) a big hole at the moment. : Jim is digging a big hole at the moment.

4. Tina (draw) a picture of a lion now. : tina is drawing a picture of a lion now.

5. The kids (hide) behind the tree now. : the kids are hiding behind the tree now.

6. My sister (not make) a cake now. : my sister is not making a cake now.

7. Look! the sun (rise). : Look! the sun is rising.

8. (Mike/ ride) his bike right now? : Is mike riding his bike right now?

9. (Nick/sing) a song now? : is nick singing a song now?

10. Lily and I (swim) in the pool at the moment. : lily and I are swimming in the pool at the moment.

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Last Update: Mon, 02 May 22