6.change the positive sentences into negative!a.the children play football in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari usermm260 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

6.change the positive sentences into negative!a.the children play football in the yard.
b.ris and anton were here
c.my father washed the car.
7.mention 3 examples of natural disastar!
8.make an order sentence based on the situations!
a.mother asks wina to close the window.
b.the teacher asks dewa to answer the question.
c.my father askes me to be silent.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6.change the positive sentences into negative!

a.the children play football in the yard.

(-) The children do not play in the yard.

b.ris and anton were here

(-) Ris and Anton were not here.

c.my father washed the car.

(-) My father did not wash the car

7.mention 3 examples of natural disaster!

earthquake, landslide, inundation (flooding).

8.make an order sentence based on the situations!

a.mother asks wina to close the window.

"Close the window, Wina!"

b.the teacher asks dewa to answer the question.

"Answer the question, Dewa!"

c.my father asks me to be silent.

"Be quiet!"


Kalimat pada jawaban nomor 6. merupakan pola Simple Past Tense (poin b. dan c.) dan Simple Present Tense (poin a.).

Simple Present Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

(-) Subject + Do/Does + not + Verb-1 + Object

Simple Past Tense:

Verbal: (+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

(-) Subject + Did + not + Verb-1 + Object

Nominal: (+) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + Adverb of place (here)

(-) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + not + Adverb of place (here)

Untuk nomor 8 merupakan pola kalimat Imperative (Casual), jika ingin dibuat menjadi pola Imperative (Polite), maka bisa ditambahkan kata please di akhir atau di awal kalimat.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jul 21