Check Your LanguageАChoose the right answers by crossing A, B,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari finsyaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Check Your LanguageА
Choose the right answers by crossing A, B, C, or D!
The text is for questions number 1 until number 81
Restu is a student at SD Taman Kusuma class 5. She lives with her father, mother and
her little brother Dandy. He is in the class 3. They go to school together on foot because the
house is not too far to school. Before going to school, they usually have breakfast Dandy
likes eating a plate of fried rice with fried chicken and a glass of warm tea. Restu likes eating a
plate of white rice and fried egg and a glass of fresh water. They also bring something to drink
and to eat. Restu brings a box consists of white nice and fried chicken and Dandy does
too. They eat them at the break time
How many person are there in Restu family?
A One
B Two
With whom does Restu go to school?
А. Her father B Her brother
C. Her mother
Her sister
Do they go to school by microlet?
А Yes, they do В No, they do
C. No, they don't
D. Yes, they don't
4. Why do they walk to school?
A. Their house is far to school
B. Their house is near to school.
C.The school is far to their house
D.they like walking​

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Feb 22