The follolving text is for questions no. 21 to 23My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tiaraadetya06 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

The follolving text is for questions no. 21 to 23My school is one of my favourite places in town. It is a green and beautiful school. It has
many large trees which make the air around my school very fresh and clean. It covers a very
The text is question no. 2
large area
rectangle with a field in the middle commonly
used as a sports place.
Surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has 30 buildings are arranged to form a
every day. After passing through the
in front of the gate. Two security men are on duty near the gate
When entering the school, we are greeted by a billboard saying “Let's go forward with us"
accommodate all vehicles of the teachers and students. Going inside, we can see the main building
, we pass, a parking area which can
up in front of it to welcome the students.
and 2nd grades, while on the left side, the classes for the
Behind the main building stand the classrooms. On the right side there are classes for the 1"
3rd grade. In front of every
classroom there are small flower gardens which add the beauty of my school. We like to play and
My school also has a large canteen. It is located behind the hall. I enjoy having lunch there.
My school's canteen sells a lot of foods like shacks, cakes, meatballs, fried chicken, rice, noodles,
and various drinks. Though it sells a variety of foods and drinks, it is always kept clean.
the film is prohibited.
21. Where are the students welcomed every morning?
A. In front of the main building.
B. In front of the school gate.
C. In the school parking area.
D. In the sports place.
22. Paragraph 4 tells us that ....
A. the writer's school canteen is large
B. the school's flower gardens are small
C. the writer's school is green and beautiful
D. the classroom's are behind the main building
23. It can be concluded from the text that the writer's school ....
A. is nice and comfortable to learn and play
B. is not a secure place for the students
C. is comfortable only for the teachers
D. does not have any good facilities​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

21. A


23. A

semoga membantu! semangat! :)

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21