1. Mrs. Mia : Good morning, dear Deni : ______(1)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari valentinoleonardoaus pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Mrs. Mia : Good morning, dear Deni : ______(1)2. Mr. Budiman : Good afternoon, students. Students : ______(2)
3. Brenda : I have to go now. Good bye, Steve Steve : ______(3)
4. Rianti : Good evening, Mrs. Maya Mrs. Maya : ______(4) . How are you, Rianti? Rianti : ______(5). Thank you. May I see Wendy, mam? Mrs. Maya : I’m sorry dear. Wendy is not here Rianti : That’s okay, Ma’am. See you later. Mrs. maya : ____(6)
5. Shirley : Laila, May I borrow your dictionary? Laila : Of course, Shirley. Here you are. Shirley : Thanks, Laila. Laila : (7) __________..
6. Ahmad : Imam, can you lend me your calculator? Imam : (8) _______, Ahmad. I’m still using it. Imam : That’s okay. I’ll borrow another.
7. Rara : Hi, Putri! Where have you been? Putri : Hi, Rara! I was busy doing my script. I have just had my graduation ceremony. Rara : Really? Why didn’t you tell me? Putri : Oh, (9) ________. I forget to tell you. Rara : Congratulation, Putri. Putri : (10) ________, Rara.
KD 4.1 B.
1 Arrange the following sentences to make a good dialog. (Susun kalimat2 ini menjadi dialog) 1 Mother : Good night, sweetheart.
2 Mother : Salma, why are you still awake?
3 Mother : Alright, but don’t go to bed too late
4 Salma : Ok Mom. Good night
5 Salma : I’m working on my assignment, Mom
B.2 Arrange the following words into good expressions (Susun kata2 ini menjadi kalimat yang padu)
1. for – thanks – flowers – the – beautiful

2. you – hope – I – someday – to see

3. sorry – your – I’m – new novel – for losing

4. a – day – have – great

5. you – thank – dictionary – the – for​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


good morning too, mrs. mia

2. duties 3. as soon as possible 4.the phone 5. mobile phone 6 friendly 7. employees 8. work 9. type 10. perfectly

Steve: Bye see you soon

see you later, be careful on the road

Shidqi : thank you, Laila!


ana : you're welcome


imam : sorry imam


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Last Update: Sun, 30 Jan 22