BIQ POIN (≧▽≦)6. What do the lyrics tell about?A. The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari violanvani pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

BIQ POIN (≧▽≦)6. What do the lyrics tell about?
A. The motivation to reach a dream.
B. The motivation to reach the sky.
C. The love of the world.
D. The dream of love.

7. "Love will come to you, back to you." The underlined word refers to .....
A. The singer
B. the listener
C. the composer
D. the songwriter

8. The lyrics are written for people who....
A. want to love the world
B. have a faith to hold the world
C. feel useless to love their family
D. need a strong will to reach their dream​
BIQ POIN (≧▽≦)6. What do the lyrics tell about?A. The motivation to reach a dream. B. The motivation to reach the sky. C. The love of the world.D. The dream of love.7.

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Last Update: Wed, 18 Aug 21