Use the "was able to" or "were able to"1). Did

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yasminbidayatunnajah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Use the "was able to" or "were able to"1). Did you create a lot of patterns for the maths?. No, I did not, but I _________ create some methods to change those

2). Did you walk to the long hole?. We thought we could. We _______ jump well

3). Did you watch the football match until midnight? Actually we could not do it. But we _________ watch the match just one hour.

4). Did he cook very well in the five star hotel? Yes he did. He _________ cook a lot of food in one day.

5). Did she ride the horse?. No, she did not. She ________ drive a car very good.

6). Did you drive the car very nice?. No, we can not. But we _______ ride it.

7). Did you make a good song in one night?. Yes, we did. We _________ make two song in one night.

8). Did she get a prize from that competition last time?. Yes, she did. She ________ get the prize well.

9). Did he finish all the job last night?. No, he did not. He ________ finish a half part from the jobs.

10). Did they solve the clue from the question?. Of course they did. They were very smart. They _______ solve the question fastly.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. was able to

2. were able to

3. were able to

4. was able to

5. was able to

6. were able to

7. were able to

8. was able to

9. was able to

10. were able to

Semoga membantu ya

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jul 21