PERSONAL PRONOUNS 1- (Clara and i)_________are at home right now

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putuyogap0907 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

PERSONAL PRONOUNS1- (Clara and i)_________are at home right now
2. (Susan)________ is a secretary
3- (Matt)_______ is 47 years old
4- (stephen and Brenda)________are lawyers
5. (The cat)________ is on the roof
6. Where are_______from?________am from Spain
7- (Peter. Elena and )______ are friends
8- (The books) Are________old?
9. (My father)_______ is Robert Dawson
10- (My sister) is________ at school?
11- How old are_______? _______am 24
12.- (My pencil)_________is under the table work in the
13. (Ramon Sam and Tom) _________hospital
14 - Are________Argentinian? Yes,_________ am
15- (The cat and the dog)_______are my pets.
16- (My cousin and her friend)_______ are at the mall. 17- (John)_________ is funny. 18- (The door)__________ is locked
19.- (My brother and i)________. live together.
20. (The weather)_________is cold today​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. we

2. she

3. he

4. they

5. it

6. you - i

7. we

8. it

9. he

10. she

11. you - i

12. it

13. they

14. you - i

15. that

16. they

17. he

18. we

19. it

20. this

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jan 22