(by Eric Clapton)tears in heavenStatements:1. The song title isand it

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(by Eric Clapton)tears in heaven

1. The song title is
and it was sung by
2. The mood of the song is
3. The song is written because of
4. The lines "Cause I know I don't belong-Here in heaven" show that the singer is​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the song tittle is tears in heaven and it was sung by Eric Clapton

2. the mood of the song is soft rock

3. because of In 1991, following the death of his son, Conor, Eric Clapton collaborated with songwriter Will Jennings to write "Tears in Heaven." The song is a memorial to Conor, who at four years old, fell 50 stories to his death from a New York City apartment building

4. the line meant to be interpreted as his way of saying it's not my time yet. Or maybe because of his overwhelming grief and guilt, he felt that he (Eric) didn't deserve Heaven.

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Last Update: Tue, 24 Aug 21