bacaan:Hello, I'm Mamat. I'm a four gradestudent. I feel scared

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari coolraditya89 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Bacaan:Hello, I'm Mamat. I'm a four grade
student. I feel scared and worry but in
the same time feel happy too because
I'm going to be circumcised next
Saturday. In Betawi, we call it sunatan.
Before being circumcised I will be
paraded along my neighbourhood
first by riding a horse carriage. This
procession aims to make the brides of
circumcision including me feel happy
before facing circumcision.
Usually, the brides of circumcision will wear a sash, a robe, and special
footwear. They will also weara koko shirt a sarong anda peci. This is a celebration
for everyone. There are a lot of entertainment in this circumcision ceremony
such as tanjidor orchestra,dangdut song performances and marawis and the next day circumcision is begun the circumcision process it self is carried out by shaman circumcision,bengkong,mantri or doctor.

my father said that I will have grown up as soon as the circumcision ceremony is done it means that I must be strong and wise and I also must do the prayer, 5 times in a day obediently.

5. Who is going to do the circumcision?

tolong bantu ya kak!!
dan jangan asal yaa plsssss!!!!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


5. Who is going to do the circumcision?

Answer: MAMAT

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Jun 21