What is the difference between a TAX and a

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What is the difference between a TAX and a Duty or levies? (10 lines) ​

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Taxes, duties, and levies are all forms of financial obligations imposed by governments on individuals, businesses, or other entities. While they share some similarities, there are some key differences between these three types of financial obligations:


  • Taxes are generally imposed on income, profits, or the value of goods or services. They are mandatory contributions to the government, and failure to pay taxes can result in penalties or legal consequences.
  • Duties are typically levied on the import or export of goods. They are a type of tax that is specifically applied to international trade, and they can be either ad valorem (based on the value of the goods) or specific (based on the quantity or weight of the goods).
  • Levies are fees charged by governments for specific services or activities. They are often used to fund government programs or infrastructure projects, and they can be imposed on individuals or businesses that use these services or activities.

Overall, the main difference between taxes, duties, and levies is the type of financial obligation they represent and the context in which they are applied. Taxes are generally applied to income or the value of goods and services, while duties are specifically applied to international trade. Levies, on the other hand, are fees charged for specific government services or activities.

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Last Update: Fri, 19 May 23