List three things you should not allow a casualty to

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List three things you should not allow a casualty to do while providing first aid and waiting for professional medical help to arrive?​

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While providing first aid and waiting for professional medical help to arrive, there are three things you should not allow a casualty to do:

1. Move unnecessarily: It is important to immobilize the casualty and prevent them from moving, especially if there is a suspected spinal injury or broken bones. Unnecessary movement can worsen the injury and lead to further complications.

2. Eat or drink: In some cases, it is recommended to withhold food and drink from the casualty, especially if they require surgery or medical procedures. Eating or drinking may interfere with the treatment they might need later on. However, this may vary depending on the specific situation, so it is always best to follow the guidance of medical professionals or emergency responders.

3. Ignore symptoms or dismiss the severity of the injury: Encourage the casualty to stay alert and aware of their symptoms. It is important that they do not ignore any signs of distress or dismiss the seriousness of their condition. Remind them to communicate any changes or worsening of symptoms to the medical professionals when they arrive.

Remember, it is crucial to prioritize the casualty's safety and well-being while waiting for professional medical help.



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Last Update: Tue, 15 Aug 23