III. Read the following dialogue for questions number 1 to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pvivo8924 pada mata pelajaran B. Indonesia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

III. Read the following dialogue for questions number 1 to 5! Melati : "Where does your father work, Deswita?" Deswita: "He works for Garuda Indonesia Airways." Melati : "Is he a flight attendante?" Deswita: "No, he is a pilot." Melati : "Oh, that's great. He flies a plane then." Deswita:"Yes, he does." Melati "How often does he fly his plane?" Deswita: "He flies his plane twice a week." Melati : "How does he fly the plane?" Deswita: "He flies them carefully. He is a good pilot." Melati "What does he look like?" Deswita: "He is tall and has short black hair." Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where does Deswita's father work? Answer: Is he a flight attendant? Answer:. How often does he fly his plane? Answer:... How does he fly the plane? Answer:.. What does he look like? Answer:. Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII SMP/MTs SEMESTER II​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer :

Question number 1 to 5 from following dialog.

Melati    : "Where does your father work, Deswita?"

Deswita : "He works for Garuda Indonesia Airways."

Melati    : "Is he a flight attendante?"

Deswita : "No, he is a pilot."

Melati    : "Oh, that's great. He flies a plane then."

Deswita : "Yes, he does."

Melati    : "How often does he fly his plane?"

Deswita : "He flies his plane twice a week."

Melati    : "How does he fly the plane?"

Deswita : "He flies them carefully. He is a good pilot."

Melati    : "What does he look like?"

Deswita : "He is tall and has short black hair."

1. Where does Deswita's father work?

  Answer :

  He works for Garuda Indonesia Airways in airport.

2. Is he a flight attendant?

   Answer :

   No, he is not.

3. How often does he fly his plane?

   Answer :

   He flies his plane twice a week.

4. How does he fly the plane?

   Answer :

   He flies the plane carefully.

5. What does he look like?

   Answer :

   He is tall and has short black hair.

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Last Update: Mon, 29 May 23