14. Can we fill up all of 7072 g of

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14. Can we fill up all of 7072 g of mercury into a 0,5 R beaker? The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm³. Explain your answer. (1 ml = 1 cm³)​

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To determine if we can fill up 7072 g of mercury into a 0.5 L (or 500 cm³) beaker, we need to compare the volume of mercury required with the volume of the beaker.


Density of mercury = 13.6 g/cm³

Volume of beaker = 0.5 L = 500 cm³

Mass of mercury = 7072 g

We can use the formula:

Volume = Mass / Density

The volume of mercury required can be calculated as follows:

Volume of mercury = Mass of mercury / Density of mercury

Volume of mercury = 7072 g / 13.6 g/cm³

Volume of mercury = 520 cm³ (approximately)

Comparing the volume of mercury required (520 cm³) with the volume of the beaker (500 cm³), we can see that the volume of mercury is greater than the volume of the beaker. Therefore, it is not possible to fill up all 7072 g of mercury into the 0.5 L (500 cm³) beaker.

The beaker does not have sufficient volume to accommodate the entire mass of mercury. It would require a larger container or multiple containers to hold the given mass of mercury.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23