Ridho: "Hi, Yogi! is the man over there is your

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari karaitunctzen pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Ridho: "Hi, Yogi! is the man over there is your father?"Yogi: "Yes,he is"

Ridho: "What does he do?"

Yogi: "He is a baker. He runs a bakery."

Ridho: "Oh, really? He is cool."

Yogi : "Yeah! I think so. He usually makes many kinds of cakes."

Ridho "Does he make your birthday cake, too?"

Yogi: "Yes, he does. He frequently receives and makes birthday cake by customers order. By the way, what about your father? What is his job?"

Ridho:"Well, as you know he is a pilot. He travels a lot."

Yogi:"Wow! He is cool, too, Ridho."

Ridho: "Yes, I know that."

1. What do the speakers talk about?

2. What is Yogi's father job?

3. Who travels a lot? s bas

4. "He frequently receives and makes birthday cake....' What is the synonym of the underlined word?

5. "He usually makes many kinds of cakes." What does the bold typed word refer to?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Talking about their father's job

2. Yogi's father job is bakery

3. ridho's father

4. - ( tidak bisa dijawab karena tidak ada digarisbawahinya)

5. maaf ini jg saya TDK bisa jwb


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Last Update: Mon, 10 Jul 23