1. Who wants to buy a house? Answer:2.Where did Sonya

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raditya7064 pada mata pelajaran B. Indonesia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Who wants to buy a house?Answer:
2.Where did Sonya get the information about the houses?
3. Why Sonya did not want to choose a house on the main road?
4. Which type of house is the closest by the beach?
5. Underline three (3) comparative degrees from the dialog!
1. Who wants to buy a house? Answer:2.Where did Sonya get the information about the houses? Answer: 3. Why Sonya did not want to choose a house on the main road? Answer: 4. Which type of house is the closest by the beach? Answer:5. Underline three (3) comparative degrees from the dialog! Answer:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban Bahasa english dari british dengan menggunakan bahasa yang tertera serta sesuai dengan apa yang diminta oleh penanya dari user user "-anonim-":

1. The speaker of the dialog does not mention anyone specific who wants to buy a house.

2. The dialog does not provide information on where Sonya got the information about the houses.

3. Sonya did not want to choose a house on the main road because it would be too noisy.

4. The type of house closest to the beach is a bungalow.

5. Three comparative degrees in the dialog are:

6."That house is closer to the beach than this one."

7."The bungalow is more expensive than the apartments."

8."The house on the main road is cheaper than the one on the quiet street."



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Last Update: Thu, 29 Jun 23