Reno: Who is the girl in the picture over there? Nissa:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hasnijannati76 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Reno: Who is the girl in the picture over there? Nissa: That is my twin sister. She is pretty, isn't she? 
Reno: Yes, she is. Is she wearing a Japanese traditional dress?
Nissa: She is. I capture the picture last year. The dress was bought when she went to Japan. 
Reno: That dress is Kimono, isn't it? 
Nissa: Actually, that isn't Kimono. It's called Yukata. 
Reno: Yukata? It looks like the same. 
Nissa: They're different, actually. 
Reno: What are the differences, then? 
Nissa: Yukata are usually worn by Japanese youngsters to go to summer festivals. 
Reno: What about Kimono? 
Nissa: Kimono is used by Japanese people to attend formal events
2. What can be inferred from the dialog? 
A. Reno has a sister
B. Nissa's sister studies in Japan
C. Nissa has never been to Japan
D. Reno knows Nissa's twin sister

Sertakan alasan bang pls​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


D. Reno knows Nissa's twin sister.

Reason :

This can be inferred from the dialogue because Reno is able to recognize Nissa's twin sister from the picture and is asking Nissa questions about her.

Alasan dalam bahasa indonesia :
Ini bisa diketahui dari percakapan karena Reno bisa mengenali saudari kembar Nissa dari gambar dan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada Nissa tentangnya.

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Last Update: Mon, 08 May 23