To long di bantu dong jawabnya

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elvinaputri16 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

To long di bantu dong jawabnya
To long di bantu dong jawabnya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. He Can play guitar. Can't He ?
(Can't He Play that Guitar ?)
No He Can Play the guitar It with pretty good

2. She Can't Play outside. Can She ?
(Can She Play Outside ?)
Yes She can't The wind is a bit stronger outside

3. They Can Cheat During test. can't they ?
(Can't They Cheat During the Test ?)
No They Can't Cheat during the test cause its not Good. after all the teacher already write "Don't Cheat During the Test"

4. He Can't Carry All the books, Can he ?
(Can He Carry All the Books ?)
Yes He can but not for long cause he might Fall away.

5. They Can Dance. Can't they ?
(can't They Dance with good ?)

Yes They can. But one of them is not to good at dancing like others.

6. They Can't Play Basketball. Can They  ?
(Can They all Play Basketball ?)
Yes they all can play it.

7. He can Spin the Ball. can't He ?
(Can't He Spin the Ball ?)
Yes Of course he can spin the ball with ease.

8. She Can't Sing. Can she ?
(Can She Sing ?)
Yes He can Sing even is not to good

9. She can Listen to music. can't she ?
(Can't She Listen to music ?)
Absolutly Yes She can listen to the music.

10. They Can't Ski, can they ?
(can they Play ski)
They Can play ski without any trouble

11. he Can put the Shirt  himself. Can't He ?
(Can't he put the shirt by himself ?)
Yes He can put it by himself

12. The Boy Can Drive the Car Can't He ?
(Can't The boy/He drive the car ?)
No He Can't  Drive it.

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Last Update: Thu, 05 May 22