TEXT : Mr. Jonathan : What a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari AFNA10 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

TEXT :Mr. Jonathan : What a beautiful painting! Dion : Thanks, Sir. Mr. Jonathan : Is it yours, Dion? : Yes, it is my painting, Sir. Mr. Jonathan I heard that you joined the international painting competition in Poland and you won is Dion : Yes, Sirthere days. Mr. Jonathan : You are so great. I am so proud of you, Dion. You're such a great student. Dion • Thank you, Sir. Puestions:
1 . What does Dion say after Mr. Jonathan gave him a compliment?

2 . Why does Mr. Jonathan give compliment to Dion? Where was the
painting competition held?

3 . Where was the painting competition held ?

4 . How long did dion join the competition ?

5 . Do You think that Mr.jonathan is a teacher ? how do you know ?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Thanks, Sir.

2. Because Dion Joined the internasional painting competition and Won

3. In Poland

4. Sirthere Days

5. Yes,Mr.Jonathan is a teacher. Because Mr. Jonathan say "You're such a great student

Jawaban Tercerdas Dong :)

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Last Update: Mon, 25 Apr 22