B.Change each verb in the brackets Into the correct verb

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari claradwigusti pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

B.Change each verb in the brackets Into the correct verb from!Sari:how (1.be).... Your Sunday morning? Yoga: it was terrible.
Sari: what (2. happen)...?
Yoga: I (3.jog).... around the Park. at first it was good, but then i (4.steep)... On a banana skin.
Sari: di you (5.fall)...?
Yoga: yes, i did. Everyone (6.look)... at me. Some of them (7.laugh)...
Sari:my God, what a pity you fell!
Yoga: i (8.be).... Embarrassead. Nobody (9.help)....me. luckily, i (10. Not get).... Any injury
Sari: thanks God.

C. Answer the questions based on the dialogue!
1. What is the dialogue about?
Answer: ....
2. Who had a terrible Sunday morning? Answer: ...
3. Why did yoga fall?
Answer: ...
4. Did yoga get any injury?
Answer: ... 5. "It was *terrible* "
What does the bold word mean?
Answer: ...​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

B. Sari: How was your Sunday morning?

Yoga: It was terrible.

Sari: What happened?

Yoga: I jogged around the park. At first, it was good, but then I slipped on a banana skin.

Sari: Did you fall?

Yoga: Yes, I did. Everyone looked at me. Some of them laughed.

Sari: My God, what a pity you fell!

Yoga: I was embarrassed. Nobody helped me. Luckily, I did not get any injury.

Sari: Thanks, God.


1.The dialogue is about Yoga's Sunday morning experience.

2.Yoga had a terrible Sunday morning.

3.Yoga fell because she slipped on a banana skin.

4.No, Yoga did not get any injury.

5."Terrible" means very bad or unpleasant.

Thank you, sorry if there was anything wrong

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jun 23