ciri ciri hewan ovivar,vivivar dan ovovivivar dalam bahasa inggris​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari marianicantik2010 pada mata pelajaran B. Indonesia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Ciri ciri hewan ovivar,vivivar dan ovovivivar dalam bahasa inggris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



► Do not have mammary glands.

► No ears.

► Not breastfeeding her child.

► The body shape of the child is generally the same as the mother.

► Fetal growth is relatively slow.

▸ The fetus gets food from

food reserves that have been stored in the egg. ▸ The fetus grows and develops inside


Examples of animals: Goose, Chicken, Butterfly, Fish, Turtle and others.


► Have auricles.

► The female has mammary glands which she uses to suckle her young after becoming mothers.

► The physical body shape of the child that is born is the same as the body shape of the mother. ►The fetus grows relatively slowly.

➤ The fetus gets food from the mother through the intermediary of the umbilical cord and also the placenta.

➤ The fetus grows and develops during pregnancy in an organ called the uterus.

Examples of animals: Buffalo, Cow, Cat, Elephant, and others.


► Eggs develop inside the mother's body.

➤ The fetus inside the egg gets food from the food reserves that are already in the egg.

► When it reaches maturity, the eggs hatch in the mother's body and the children emerge from the mother's body.

Examples of animals: Lizards, Stingrays, Sharks, Whales

and others.

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Last Update: Wed, 10 May 23