What's your opinion about indonesian youth?​

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What's your opinion about indonesian youth?​

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my thoughts about indonesian youth in nowadays is 180⁰ different bcs right now most of people is being 65%active on socmed. I didn't say that this is bad things happened, but just hoping they're not forgetting to interact outside their 'phone'. bcs there's so many things they can do when they just lay on their bed and scrolling tiktok for a whole day:( (based on my experience hehe). i was so addicted with gadget, tiktok, ig... anything. but then one say i realized.. when i took down my phone, so many things i can explore, so many things that i didn't know that i can do it:).

i love being one of the gen z nowadays. but just use ur time with a thing that has a benefits for u. scrolling tiktok or etc is not a wrong thing to do but.. just don't waste ur whole time for that okay?. i love it there's so many gen z that has a lot of talent!! haha jgn mau dijajah sm app luar negri ya semua..ini awam bgt buat diomongin tp.. bikin indo maju yukk kalian scroll tiktok while negara lain lg ada big project ini itu and has a lot of talented people.. yuk bangun yuk. kl kaliam lg ada di posisi failure, its totally okay! org hebat gakenal kata "gagal"! they only know "coba lagi" but if u're tired take some rest. and lil reminder.. klo ngerasa dunia susah bgt buat dijalanin.. that's how life supposed to be:)) so just through it, i know u can guysss no matter what people say or happened, waktu ttp jalan ko kalian akan ngelewatin juga.. maaf kepanjangan cm gamau kalian jatoh ke jurang "terlalu sm asik sm dunia maya":)

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jun 23