buat lah cerita mengarang tentang TEMA SITUASI KONFLIK DI SEBUAH

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azizpriatana pada mata pelajaran B. Indonesia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Buat lah cerita mengarang tentang TEMA SITUASI KONFLIK DI SEBUAH HOTELcerita mengarang ini kamu buat cerita awal terjadinya konflik sampai berahirnha konflik dengan penyelesaian yang baik di antara kedua pihak (win win solusion) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


The goal of this research is to describe (1) the social conflict that available in the

collection of short story Surat Berdarah untuk Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani,

et al., (2) factors caused the social conflict in the collection of short story Surat

Berdarah untuk Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani, et al., and (3) the solving

problem of social conflict in the collection of short story Surat Berdarah untuk

Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani, et al. The research method used is descriptive

method. The data collection technique in this research is documentation and

literature to analyze the sentences that consist of social conflict. The result from

this research identified that social conflict discovered from the collection of short

story Surat Berdarah untuk Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani, et al., including

individual conflict with individual as much as 67 data, individual conflict with

him self as much as 41 data, individual conflict with social environment 24 data,

individual conflict with nature 1 data, and individual conflict with God 3 data.

The causal of happening social conflict in collection of short story Surat Berdarah

untuk Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani, et al. is because (1) inequality social

level, (2) less of treatment and attention from any party, and (3) the suppression

from powerful group toward small and powerless group. With this, the solving

problem of social conflict in collection of short story Surat Berdarah untuk

Presiden work of Nadia Cahyani, et al. are (1) preventing the emotional, with

giving awareness or understanding and try to avoid the collide and (2) presenting

the third party, that the third party has an effort


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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21