1. Complete the sentences below with is, am, are, have

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cantikaaurelle51 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa lain untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Complete the sentences below with is, am, are, have or has1. My brother.... a student of SMA. He a diligent student
2. She..... a round face and a pointed nose.
3. I ..... the first child in my family
4. My uncle and my aunt ...... very kind to me. They ..... from Sulawesi
5. Karisma ... a short black hair. He ..... also a tall and muscular body .​
1. Complete the sentences below with is, am, are, have or has1. My brother.... a student of SMA. He a diligent student2. She..... a round face and a pointed nose.3. I ..... the first child in my family4. My uncle and my aunt ...... very kind to me. They ..... from Sulawesi5. Karisma ... a short black hair. He ..... also a tall and muscular body .​

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21