Exerkercise1. Do the following tasks individually!Task 1Read and observe the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ShellaHafizah pada mata pelajaran B. Indonesia untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Do the following tasks individually!
Task 1
Read and observe the dialogue below carefully!
Kirana : Hi, Meira. What are you doing here?
Meira : Hi, Kirana. I'm organizing these old photographs.
Kirana : Great! You are a diligent girl.
Meira : Thanks to say so.
Kirana : By the way, what is the man in the photograph?
Meira : Oh. He is my grandfather, Mr. Yudho Pradityo. He passed away some years ago.
Kirana : I'm sorry to hear that, Meira.
Meira : That's okay. Actually, I still miss him. So I often see these photographs.
Kirana : I hope he gets the best place from God. By the way, he looked so tall and intelligent in
this photograph.
Meira : You are right. He was tall and athletic. He had straight hair, a pointed nose, and sharp
Kirana : How about his hair? Did he change his hair colour?
Meira : No, his hair was short and still black till the end of his life.
Kirana : I bet he was really tidy and elegant.
Meira : Yes, he was. By the way, he ever said to me that I must study hard and do the best in
everything that I do. I really proud of him until now.
Kirana : He was a nice and wise man. No wonder you are proud of him.

tesk nya yg itupertanyaan nya yg di foto plis jawabbbb​
Exerkercise1. Do the following tasks individually!Task 1Read and observe the dialogue below carefully!Kirana : Hi, Meira. What are you doing here?Meira : Hi, Kirana. I'm organizing these old photographs.Kirana : Great! You are a diligent girl.Meira : Thanks to say so.Kirana : By the way, what is the man in the photograph?Meira : Oh. He is my grandfather, Mr. Yudho Pradityo. He passed away some years ago.Kirana : I'm sorry to hear that, Meira.Meira : That's okay. Actually, I still miss him. So I often see these photographs.Kirana : I hope he gets the best place from God. By the way, he looked so tall and intelligent inthis photograph.Meira : You are right. He was tall and athletic. He had straight hair, a pointed nose, and sharpeyes.Kirana : How about his hair? Did he change his hair colour?Meira : No, his hair was short and still black till the end of his life.Kirana : I bet he was really tidy and elegant.Meira : Yes, he was. By the way, he ever said to me that I must study hard and do the best ineverything that I do. I really proud of him until now.Kirana : He was a nice and wise man. No wonder you are proud of him.tesk nya yg itupertanyaan nya yg di foto plis jawabbbb​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.kirana, meira,yudho pradityo(grandfather)

2.organazing the old photographs

3.yudho pradityo meira's grandfather

4.tall and straight short black hair, pointed nose and sharp eyes

5.yes she is

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22