Cerita pengalaman yang mengadung unsur 5W + 1H Pengalaman saya contohnya

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari auraindah8 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Cerita pengalaman yang mengadung unsur 5W + 1HPengalaman saya contohnya pergi tempat nenek bermain di sungai jadi tolong di buatkan cerita y kk dan unsur 5w 1h ny dri mana

- diubah ke dalam bahasa inggris kk kalo mau bhs indonya aj gpp biar saya yg translate

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


When I was a child, my family and I used to visit my grandma's house every summer. She lived in a small village by the river, where my siblings and I could play and swim all day long.

Who: My family and I

What: Visiting my grandma's house by the river

When: Every summer

Where: A small village by the river

Why: To spend time with family and enjoy swimming in the river

How: By traveling to the village

On one particular summer, we decided to go to my grandma's house for a weekend trip. We woke up early on a Saturday morning and packed our bags with towels, sunscreen, and snacks.

As we drove to the village, we saw the green fields and tall trees passing by. When we arrived, my grandma was waiting for us at the door with a big smile on her face. She hugged us and showed us our rooms, where we could change into our swimming suits.

After we changed, my grandma took us to the river. The water was clear and cool, and we could see the small fishes swimming around us. We played in the water, swam, and built sandcastles on the riverbank.

As the day went by, we had a delicious lunch that my grandma cooked for us. We had grilled fish, rice, and vegetables, and it was so tasty. After lunch, we took a nap under the shade of a big tree.

When we woke up, it was already late afternoon. We decided to take a walk around the village and see the sunset. We saw the locals walking their cows back home, and children playing outside. We also saw a small market where they sold fresh fruits and vegetables.

As the night came, we went back to my grandma's house. She cooked us dinner, and we had a great time talking and laughing. We went to bed early, tired but happy.

The next morning, we packed our bags and said goodbye to my grandma. We promised her that we would come back soon. We got into the car and drove back home, with happy memories of our weekend by the river.


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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jun 23