Daddy, you know how much I love you I need

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari starvv3 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Daddy, you know how much I love you I need you, forever, I'll stay by your side Daddy, oh daddy I wont always please you But I'll never stop trying To be your number one You understand me You teach me how to pray And you play the games I love to play I have no fear, when you are near You guide me thro the darkest night Chorus : I love you daddy, you are my hero And you're always in my dreams I love you daddy, oh daddy You are my superstar Daddy, you know how much I love you I want you, to help me, to show me the way Daddy, oh daddy Sometimes I might do wrong But I'll never stop trying To be your number one I want to show you I'll be as strong as you When I grow up, I'll still look up to you So have no fear, I'm always here I will be my daddy's boy Chorus x 2 You're one in a million, and a million in one Forever I want to, be by your side You're one in a million, show me the way Guide me through my life1. What does the song tell you about?
2. What does the writer think about his daddy?
3. What do you learn from the song?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The song is about a child's love and admiration for their father.

2. The writer thinks highly of his daddy and sees him as a hero and superstar. They appreciate their father's guidance, teachings, and love.

3. From the song, we can learn about the strong bond between a father and child, and the importance of showing love and appreciation for our loved ones. The song also emphasizes the idea of trying to be the best we can be, even when we make mistakes, in order to make our loved ones proud.


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Last Update: Tue, 04 Jul 23