I. Complete the sentences below using the provided words !

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fyati082 pada mata pelajaran Seni untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

I. Complete the sentences below using the provided words !a.friendly c. kind e. energetic g. smart i. patient
b.diligent d. shy f. talkative h. lazy j. creative

1. I do not get angry easly. I don't complain. I'm ..........
2. I have many friends. I like my friends very much. I'm ........
3. I do not like working. I like sleeping and watching TV. I'm .......
4. I like giving and sharing. I do it without thinking what I will get in return. I'm........
5. I like studying and working. I am not lazy. I'm........
6. I am active and have a lot of energy. I like to move my body. I'm.........
7. I'm humorous. My stories or actions often make people laugh. I'm.......
8. I talk a lot. I can make conversation with anyone. I'm.....
9. I like alone. I nervous when I'm meet people. I'm.....
10. I can do the test with easy. I can do the test with fast time. I'm......​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. patient

2. friendly

3. lazy

4. kind

5. diligent

6. energetic

7. creative

8. talkative

9. shy

10. smart

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21