When Colombus arrived in the Americans in 1942, there were

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When Colombus arrived in the Americans in 1942, there were already an estimated thirty for fourty million people living in the North and South America. It has therefore been quite easy for some to refute the idea that colombus “discovered” America.Most archaeologist agree that the first Americans, the true “discovers” of America, came from Northeastern Asia. Theres is also a considerable amount of proof that inhabitants have been in the Americas for the least 15,000 years.

To get the Americas, these people had to cross over the 55-mile-wide Bering strait that separates Asia and North America. According to one theory, these people crosses over during periods when a land bridge existed between the two continents. During ice ages, so much of the earth’s water was frozen that the sea levels dropped, and it was possible to walk from Asia to north America.

1. What is the author’s main purpose?

(A) To explain how Columbus discovered America

(B) To show how people came to America before Columbus

(C) To demonstrate the importance to archeologists of northeastern Asia

(D) To explain how to cross the Bering Strait

2. In 1492, how many people were probably in the Americas?

(A) Fewer than thirty million

(B) Exactly thirty million

(C) Forty million or fewer

(D) At least forty million

3. The word “refute” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) theorize

(B) support

(C) contradict

(D) defend

4. It is implied in the passage that

(A) Columbus was really the first person in America

(B) scientists are sure about America’s first inhabitants

(C) Columbus arrived at almost the same time as America’s first inhabitants

(D) all is not known about America’s first inhabitants

5. There is general agreement that the first people who came to North America came from (A) Europe

(B) South America

(C) northeastern Asia

(D) Africa

6. The word “considerable” in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?

(A) Large

(B) Weak

(C) Well-known

(D) Considerate

7. The word “separates” in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) differentiates

(B) divides

(C) joins

(D) crosses

8. Which of the following is NOT stated about the Bering Strait?

(A) It is 55 miles wide.

(B) It separates North America and Asia.

(C) It was probably a land bridge during the Ice Ages.

(D) It is a land bridge today.

9. The word “frozen” in line 11 could best be replaced by

(A) cool

(B) dirty

(C) solid

(D) congealed

10. Where in the passage does the author mention how long people have probably been in the Americas?

(A) Lines 1 - 2

(B) sentence 6

(C) sentence 4

(D) Lines 8 - 9

dikasih penjelasan dikit biar ngerti

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. C

1. The whole essay was about why Columbus didn't actually ''discover'' America.  

- "When Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1942, there were already an estimated thirty for fourty million people living in the North and South America. ''

- ''There's is also a considerable amount of proof that inhabitants have been in the Americas for the least 15,000 years.''

2. "When Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1942, there were already an estimated thirty for fourty million people living in the North and South America. ''

3.Buka kamus

4. ''There's is also a considerable amount of proof that inhabitants have been in the Americas for the least 15,000 years.''

5. ''Most archaeologists agree that the first Americans, the true “discovers” of America, came from Northeastern Asia. ''

6. Buka kamus

7. Buka kamus

8. '' To get the Americas, these people had to cross over the 55-mile-wide (A) Bering strait that separates Asia and North America (B). According to one theory, these people crosses over during periods when a land bridge existed between the two continents. During the ice ages (C), so much of the earth’s water was frozen that the sea levels dropped, and it was possible to walk from Asia to North America.''

9. According to one theory, these people crosses over during periods when a land bridge existed between the two continents. During the ice ages (C), so much of the earth’s water was frozen that the sea levels dropped, and it was possible to walk from Asia to North America.''


1. When Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1942, there were already an estimated thirty for fourty million people living in North and South America.

2. It has therefore been quite easy for some to refute the idea that Columbus “discovered” America.

3. Most archaeologists agree that the first Americans, the true “discovers” of America, came from Northeastern Asia.

4. There's is also a considerable amount of proof that inhabitants have been in the Americas for the last 15,000 years.

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Last Update: Sat, 14 May 22