Statements:1. The topic of the text is_________.2. The second paragraph

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadiamunajat4 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Statements:1. The topic of the text is_________.
2. The second paragraph tells us about____________.
3. Flash floods bring out_____________.
4. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 talk about___________.
5. Flash floods occur because of_____________.
6. Paragraph 4 talks about___________.
7. The readers are recommended to_______________.
8. The underlined word in "... the constant influx of water finally causes a treacherous overflow." is similar in meaning to______________

Tolong bantu jawab yaa kak​
Statements:1. The topic of the text is_________.2. The second paragraph tells us about____________.3. Flash floods bring out_____________.4. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 talk about___________.5. Flash floods occur because of_____________.6. Paragraph 4 talks about___________.7. The readers are recommended to_______________.8. The underlined word in

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Below are the answers:

  1. The topic is about flash flood.
  2. The second paragraph tells us about the cause of flash flood.
  3. Flash floods bring out a treacherous overflow.
  4. Paragraph 2 and 3 talk about the cause of flash flood.
  5. Flash floods occur becauseexcessive rainfalland ice jams on rivers.
  6. Paragraph 4 talks about the danger of flash flood.
  7. The readers are recommended to browse their Internet and check videos on flash floods.
  8. There is no underline word.


Pada soal kita diminta untuk melengkapi pernyataan berdasarkan teks. Teks di atas membahas tentang flash flood atau banjir bandang. Pernyataan yang harus kita lengkapi mengenai topik serta informasi yang ada pada teks.

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Mar 23