Change the verb between brackets into the past form. Then

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chesyakr pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the verb between brackets into the past form. Then tell it to your classmate.Hi, everybody. Let me tell you about my last semester holiday. I (visit) my uncle's family in Jakarta. I (have) really unforgettable moments. One of them is when I (be) taking a bus called trans Jakarta with my uncle and cousin. It (be) my first time, so my uncle (show) me how to travel using this public transportation. I (listen) to his explanation enthusiastically. First of all, we (have) to buy the pass card, called e-ticket, and then tap it on the gate. Automatically, the barrier to enter the waiting room (open). There (be) already many people waiting for the bus since it (be) a working hour, We (stand) in line and (wait) for the bus patiently. Ten minutes later, the bus (arrive). Many passengers (alight) from the the bus. Then, many of the waiting passengers, including us, (board) it. My uncle, cousin andI (have) to stand as all the seats (be) already occupied. It (be) Hot really comfortable, but I (try) to enjoy my first trip by the Trans Jakarta bus.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Hi, everybody. Let me tell you about my last semester holiday. I visited my uncle's family in Jakarta. I had really unforgettable moments. One of them is when I was taking a bus called trans Jakarta with my uncle and cousin. It was my first time, so my uncle showed me how to travel using this public transportation. I listened to his explanation enthusiastically. First of all, we had to buy the pass card, called e-ticket, and then tap it on the gate. Automatically, the barrier to enter the waiting room opened. There was already many people waiting for the bus since it was a working hour, We stood in line and waited for the bus patiently. Ten minutes later, the bus arrived. Many passengers alighted from the the bus. Then, many of the waiting passengers, including us, boarded it. My uncle, cousin and I had to stand as all the seats were already occupied. It was not really comfortable, but I tried to enjoy my first trip by the Trans Jakarta bus.

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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jul 21