jelaskan tentang pengertian suguh dan lungguh dengan detail minta

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Jelaskan tentang pengertian suguh dan lungguh dengan detailminta bantuan nya temen temen cerdas ​

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>>> History

Suguh and Luguh are two terms used in Javanese culture that refer to two distinct forms of gift-giving. Suguh refers to the act of giving a gift or offering as a sign of respect or gratitude. The gift is usually given by a lower-status person to a higher-status person, such as a subordinate to a superior, or a guest to a host. Suguh is an important aspect of Javanese culture, and it is often used to establish and maintain relationships of mutual respect and honor. The act of giving suguh is not simply about the gift itself, but also about the way it is given. It is important to present the gift with humility, sincerity, and respect, and to receive the gift with grace and gratitude. In Javanese culture, the way in which the gift is given and received is just as important as the gift itself. Luguh, on the other hand, refers to the act of giving a gift or offering with the intention of gaining something in return. Unlike suguh, which is given out of respect or gratitude, luguh is often given with the expectation of reciprocity. This form of gift-giving is sometimes criticized in Javanese culture, as it can be seen as a way of manipulating others for personal gain. In summary, Suguh and Luguh are two distinct forms of gift-giving in Javanese culture. Suguh is given out of respect or gratitude, while luguh is given with the intention of gaining something in return. The act of giving and receiving gifts is an important aspect of Javanese culture, and it is governed by rules of etiquette and mutual respect.

  • 7 March 2023

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23