• Complete the questions using the verb in brackets in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Karinaaewe pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

• Complete the questions using the verb in brackets in passive. Then answer the questions.1. When ______ America ______ (discover)?
2. In what year ______ the Olympic Games ______ (hold) in Barcelona?
3. In what century ______ William Shakespeare ______ (bear)?
4. Where ______ Coca-Cola ______ (invent)?
5. What ______ ______ (consider) the highest mountain in the world?
6. Where ______ rubles1 ______ (use)?
7. In what country ______ Kiev ______ (locate)?
8. In what country ______ Thai ______ (speak) by 92% of the population?
9. How many Harry Potter ́s novels have ______ ______ (write)?
10. When ______ Halloween ______ (celebrate)?
11. When ______ St Patrick ́s Day ______ (celebrate)?
12. When ______ Thanksgiving Day ______ (celebrate)?
13. When ______ the Eiffel Tower ______ (build)?
14. ______ the Channel Islands ______ (include) in the “United Kingdom”?
15. In what century ______ Australia ______ (settle2) by the British?
16. Where ______ most bananas ______ (produce)?
17. In what museum can La Gioconda painting ______ ______ (see)?
18. How many stars and bars ______ ______ (represent) in the flag of the USA?
19. What two ingredients ______ candy floss3 ______ (make) of?
20. What ______ the largest lake in the world ______ (call)?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Was, discovered

2. was, held

3. was, ..

4. was, invented

5. was, considered

6. does, used

7. is, located

8. does, speaks

9. writen

10. was, celebrated

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Jan 22