(123) 456-7891 [email protected] Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari meymeylinda067 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

(123) 456-7891 [email protected] Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to (1) When I read the job description, I was excited to (2) my interest in the Accounting Specialist position at Crane & Jenkins. since I have visited the facility and highly I believe the job (4).... listed align well with my skills. You need someone who is highly organized admire the care Crane & Jenkins provides to the chronically ill and (3).... youth of the community. and effective and who can remain positive and pleasant under (5) .... deadlines. I believe my experience and education (6) .. .... me well for this role. In my previous capacity as a Staff Accountant at River Tech, I accurately (7) .... multiple ledgers within Quickbooks while self-managing multiple projects and learning new concepts regularly under deadlines. I was responsible for (8) .... the company's financial statements for the purposes of providing it to the auditor. I (9)..., as the liaison between the external audit team and the internal accounting department. skills. I I have also worked in several customer service roles over the years prior to receiving my post- secondary education, allowing me to develop (10) .... communication and conflict (11) am (12).... in accounting software including, but not limited to, MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and various other (13) .... and accounting software. Having worked on many teams and as a people-oriented person, I am very (14) .... about the possibility to work with a (15) .... team while managing (16) .... responsibilities as an Accountant. I welcome the opportunity discuss how my qualifications would be an (17).... to Crane & Jenkins' continued success. My resume is (18) .... for your reference. Sincerely, Malik Robin excellent compiling diverse serves taxes asset strict acted apply proficient express duties enclosed disabled sole **** resolution maintained enthusiastic​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. Express my interest in the Accounting Specialist position at Crane & Jenkins.
  2. Apply since I have visited the facility and highly
  3. Duties listed align well with my skills.
  4. Disabled youth of the community.
  5. Strictdeadlines.
  6. Serves me well for this role.
  7. Maintained multiple ledgers within Quickbooks while self-managing multiple projects.
  8. Compiling the company's financial statements for the purposes of providing it to the auditor.
  9. Acted as the liaison between the external audit team and the internal accounting department.
  10. Excellent communication and conflict
  11. I am
  12. Proficient in accounting software including
  13. Tax and accounting software.
  14. Enthusiastic about the possibility to work
  15. Diverse team while managing
  16. Sole responsibilities as an Accountant.
  17. Asset to Crane & Jenkins' continued success.
  18. Enclosed for your reference.


Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to Express When I read the job description, I was excited to Apply my interest in the Accounting Specialist position at Crane & Jenkins. since I have visited the facility and highly I believe the job Duties listed align well with my skills. You need someone who is highly organized admire the care Crane & Jenkins provides to the chronically ill and Disabled youth of the community. and effective and who can remain positive and pleasant under Strict deadlines. I believe my experience and education Serves me well for this role. In my previous capacity as a Staff Accountant at River Tech, I accurately Maintained multiple ledgers within Quickbooks while self-managing multiple projects and learning new concepts regularly under deadlines. I was responsible for Compiling the company's financial statements for the purposes of providing it to the auditor. I Acted as the liaison between the external audit team and the internal accounting department. skills. I I have also worked in several customer service roles over the years prior to receiving my post- secondary education, allowing me to develop Excellentcommunication and conflictI am Proficient in accounting software including, but not limited to, MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and various other Tax and accounting software. Having worked on many teams and as a people-oriented person, I am very Enthusiastic about the possibility to work with a Diverseteam while managingSole responsibilities as an Accountant. I welcome the opportunity discuss how my qualifications would be an Asset to Crane & Jenkins' continued success. My resume is Enclosed for your reference.

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Last Update: Fri, 16 Dec 22