Write a summary about the WouraliInclude :-the ingredients-how it is

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Write a summary about the WouraliInclude :
-the ingredients
-how it is made


use synonyms

A day or two before the Macoushi Indian prepares his poison, he goes into the forest in quest of the ingredients. A vine grows in these wilds, which is called Wourali, it is from this that the poison takes its name, and it is the principle ingredient. When he has procured enough of this, he digs up a root of a very bitter taste, ties them together, and then looks about for two kinds of bulbous plants, which contain a green and glutinous juice. He fills a little quake, which he carries on his back, with the stalks of these, and lastly, ranges up and down till he finds two species of ants One of them is large and black, and so venomous, that its sting produces a fever, it is most commonly to be met with on the ground. The other is a little red ant, which stings like a nettle, and generally has its nest under the leaf of a shrub. A quantity of the strongest Indian pepper is used; but this he has already planted round his hut. Labarri (nu avery deadly snake, of Guiana and eastern Brazil its greyish-brown colouring and darker markings harmonise with dead leaves and fallen branches. The pounded fangs of the Labarri snake, and those of the Counacouchi, are likewise added. These he commonly has in store, for when he kills a snake he generally extracts the fangs, and keeps 5 them by him .Having thus found the necessary ingredients, he scrapes the wourali vine and bitter root into thin shavings, and puts them into a kind of colander and pours water on the shavings: the liquor which comes through has the appearance of coffee. When a sufficient quantity has been procured, the shavings are thrown aside. He then bruises the bulbous stalks, through his hands into the pot. Lastly the snakes' fangs, ants and pepper are bruised and thrown into it. It is then placed on a slow fire, and as it bois, more of the juice of the woural is added, according as it may be found necessary, and the scumis taken off with a leaf. it remains on the fire till reduced to a thick syrup of a deep brown colour. As soon as it has arrived at this state, a few arrows are poisoned with it, to try its strength.

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Oct 22