How To Make An App Using Opengl In C

[Solved] How To Make An App Using Opengl In C | Vb - Code Explorer |
Question : how to make an app using opengl in c++

Answered by : mohammad-ayaad

iam going to provide some steps for you to make it easier to learn
1- if you don't know what C++ is well you should learn it
2- one of the famous libraries for using OpenGL is one called GLFW
so you can go to and download the library
3- i suggest to you to watch a youtube tut or read the documentations for it
so you can learn it fast and here are some sources that i suggest you visit :
-= youtube playlist for opengl glfw from "The Cherno" youtube channel
-= here is 2 helpful websites that should help you learn it
and hopefully that was usefull :) thanks for reading
also if you have suggestions you can add them in the comments if you want to

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 17 Sep 22

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