Google Sheets Concatenate Non Blank Cells From Two Columns

[Solved] Google Sheets Concatenate Non Blank Cells From Two Columns | Vb - Code Explorer |
Question : google sheets concatenate non blank cells from two columns

Answered by : charlesalexandre-roy

# Basic syntax:
=FILTER({A3:A12; B5:B7}, LEN({A3:A12; B5:B7}))
# Where:
#	- this stacks the non-empty cells from the ranges defined in columns
#	A and B
#	- {range_A; range_B} stacks the defined ranges
#	- FILTER with LEN is used to exclude any empty cells. This works
#	because LEN returns a number other than 0 for each cell that
#	contains content. This non-zero number is then treated as "True"
#	by FILTER, causing only those cells to be kept
# Note:
#	- if you don't mind including blank cells (or you don't have any),
#	you can just use {} without FILTER to stack columns

Source :,Press%20enter%20on%20the%20keyboard. | Last Update : Sun, 17 Jul 22

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