Excel Vba Collection Vs Dictionary

[Solved] Excel Vba Collection Vs Dictionary | Vb - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : excel vba collection vs dictionary

Answered by : daniel-ferry

Usually faster | | X |
------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------------------- | | | Dicts: Add ref to Miscrosoft
Native to VBA | X | | Scripting Library. Usage: | | | Dim MyDict As Scripting.Dictionary | | | Set MyDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
Can change Keys and | | | Dict properties are writable.
Items | | X | For collections, remove the item | | | and add a new item.
------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------------------- | | | A collection enumerates its items: | | | For Each x In MyCollection | | | Debug.Print x
Enumerated | X | X | Next x | | | A dict enumerates its keys: | | | For Each x In MyDictionary | | | Debug.Print MyDictionary.Item(x) | | | Next x
------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------------------- | | | A 1-d array of keys
Directly output to | | | and items can be returned by
array | | X | dict methods .Keys and .Items. | | | (The array is zero-based even | | | with Option Base 1.)
Implicitly add items | | X | Dicts can implicitly add items | | | using .Item property.
Remove all items in | | | With collections, each item must
one step | | X | be removed in turn, or the | | | collection destroyed and recreated.
Count items | X | X |
Return item using | | |
ordinal position | X | (Slow) |
as lookup value | | |
Return ordinal | | |
position using item | X | ?? |
as lookup value | | |
Retrieve and access | | X | Collection keys only used to
keys | | | look up data, not retrievable.
Keys optional | X | | Big + of collections, assuming keys | | | are not needed. (Access via index.)
Case sensitivity | | X |
optional | | |
------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------------------- | | | Collection keys must be strings.
Keys can be any type | | X | Dict keys can have any type | | | (except arrays), incl. mixed types.
------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------------------- | | | * For collections, add code: | | | Public Function _ | | | Contains(col As Collection, _
Supports .Exists method | Remark* | X | key As Variant) As Boolean | | | On Error Resume Next | | | col(key) | | | Contains = (Err.Number = 0)

Source : https://stackoverflow.com/a/32479872/3566998 | Last Update : Sat, 09 May 20

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