Swiftui Hidden

[Solved] Swiftui Hidden | Swift - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : swiftui hidden

Answered by : tender-tarantula-su28hbfvp6hy

extension View { /// Hide or show the view based on a boolean value. /// /// Example for visibility: /// ``` /// Text("Label") /// .isHidden(true) /// ``` /// /// Example for complete removal: /// ``` /// Text("Label") /// .isHidden(true, remove: true) /// ``` /// /// - Parameters: /// - hidden: Set to `false` to show the view. Set to `true` to hide the view. /// - remove: Boolean value indicating whether or not to remove the view. @ViewBuilder func isHidden(_ hidden: Bool, remove: Bool = false) -> some View { if hidden { if !remove { self.hidden() } } else { self } }

Source : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56490250/dynamically-hiding-view-in-swiftui | Last Update : Thu, 04 Mar 21

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