Vscode Select Terminal

[Solved] Vscode Select Terminal | Solidity - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : vscode run selection in terminal

Answered by : qpwo

 { "key": "shift+enter", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText", "when": "editorHasSelection && textInputFocus" }

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 15 Nov 21

Question : vscode select terminal

Answered by : envious-elk-ymmykgfj0mpx

# to select new default shell for the terminal in vs code:
- press F1 in VS Code
- typing/selecting Terminal: Select Default Shell

Source : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44435697/vscode-change-default-terminal | Last Update : Fri, 06 Nov 20

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