Steam Red Underline Text

[Solved] Steam Red Underline Text | Shell - Code Explorer |
Question : steam red underline text

Answered by : maxpare

{"tags":[{"tag":"textarea","content":"Press Win+R and type %localappdata% and hit enter. This will bring you to the AppData\/Localfolder. Go into Steam and then htmlcache. There is a file called UserPrefs.json. Open it with notepad (or any text editor) and search for \"dictionaries\". It will look something like this\n\n:{\"dictionaries\":[\"de\"]\n\nDelete the de (or whatever language code there is for you) so it just reads\n\n:{\"dictionaries\":[\"\"]\n\nSave and restart Steam.","code_language":"whatever"}]}

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 28 Aug 23

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