
[Solved] Overview | Shell - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : Overview

Answered by : vinay-rawal

{"tags":[{"tag":"p","content":"Vault Core is a digital core banking system; providing a real-time ledger that maintains the current state of customer (external) accounts and bank (internal) accounts.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"The following conceptual model highlights the main components of Vault:\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Funds (or other assets) are moved between accounts by instructing Vault via a posting instruction (Postings). When posting instructions are sent to Vault they are subjected to the business logic of the account (the Smart contract). The posting will be accepted or rejected based on the logic that is defined in the Smart contract.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"All accepted postings will move funds or assets and give rise to new account balances. The balance of an account will be recorded in many dimensions to facilitate processing activities on an account, such as calculating interest payments or financial reporting.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"As a real-time system, accepted postings, updated balances and all other state changes that occur in Vault are provided as a stream of events that clients can consume, and use to trigger or provide information to other banking systems and processes.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Vault is designed to be highly available and to scale to meet short-term (spikes) and long-term (growth) changes in demand. This is achieved through a distributed, cloud-based infrastructure.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":""},{"tag":"p","content":""}]}

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 09 Apr 23

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