Mongo Shell Commands

[Solved] Mongo Shell Commands | Shell - Code Explorer |
Question : MongoDB commands

Answered by : attractive-antelope-ynsm5d6uxy51

# MongoDB Cheat Sheet
## Show All Databases
show dbs
## Show Current Database
## Create Or Switch Database
use acme
## Drop
## Create Collection
## Show Collections
show collections
## Insert Row
db.posts.insert({ title: 'Post One', body: 'Body of post one', category: 'News', tags: ['news', 'events'], user: { name: 'John Doe', status: 'author' }, date: Date()
## Insert Multiple Rows
db.posts.insertMany([ { title: 'Post Two', body: 'Body of post two', category: 'Technology', date: Date() }, { title: 'Post Three', body: 'Body of post three', category: 'News', date: Date() }, { title: 'Post Four', body: 'Body of post three', category: 'Entertainment', date: Date() }
## Get All Rows
## Get All Rows Formatted
## Find Rows
db.posts.find({ category: 'News' })
## Sort Rows
# asc
db.posts.find().sort({ title: 1 }).pretty()
# desc
db.posts.find().sort({ title: -1 }).pretty()
## Count Rows
db.posts.find({ category: 'news' }).count()
## Limit Rows
## Chaining
db.posts.find().limit(2).sort({ title: 1 }).pretty()
## Foreach
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc) { print("Blog Post: " + doc.title)
## Find One Row
db.posts.findOne({ category: 'News' })
## Find Specific Fields
db.posts.find({ title: 'Post One' }, { title: 1, author: 1
## Update Row
db.posts.update({ title: 'Post Two' },
{ title: 'Post Two', body: 'New body for post 2', date: Date()
{ upsert: true
## Update Specific Field
db.posts.update({ title: 'Post Two' },
{ $set: { body: 'Body for post 2', category: 'Technology' }
## Increment Field (\$inc)
db.posts.update({ title: 'Post Two' },
{ $inc: { likes: 5 }
## Rename Field
db.posts.update({ title: 'Post Two' },
{ $rename: { likes: 'views' }
## Delete Row
db.posts.remove({ title: 'Post Four' })
## Sub-Documents
db.posts.update({ title: 'Post One' },
{ $set: { comments: [ { body: 'Comment One', user: 'Mary Williams', date: Date() }, { body: 'Comment Two', user: 'Harry White', date: Date() } ] }
## Find By Element in Array (\$elemMatch)
db.posts.find({ comments: { $elemMatch: { user: 'Mary Williams' } } }
## Add Index
db.posts.createIndex({ title: 'text' })
## Text Search
db.posts.find({ $text: { $search: "\"Post O\"" }
## Greater & Less Than
db.posts.find({ views: { $gt: 2 } })
db.posts.find({ views: { $gte: 7 } })
db.posts.find({ views: { $lt: 7 } })
db.posts.find({ views: { $lte: 7 } })

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 15 Jun 21

Question : grepper subscription required

Answered by : code-grepper

{"tags":[{"tag":"p","content":"You have reached your max daily Grepper answers. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Upgrade to professional </a>to view more Grepper answer today."},{"tag":"p","content":"<a href=\";pid=42\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Upgrade To Grepper Professional</a>"}]}

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 27 Mar 23

Question : mongo shell

Answered by : ankur-prajapati

The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to MongoDB. You can use the mongo shell to query and update data as well as perform administrative operations. Note. The following document pertains to the mongo shell included in the MongoDB Server Download.

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 28 Jun 22

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