Debug Typescript In Chrome

[Solved] Debug Typescript In Chrome | Shell - Code Explorer |
Question : debug typescript

Answered by : khizer-ali

To debug TypeScript code, you can use various tools and techniques:
Source maps: TypeScript compiles to JavaScript and generates source maps that help debuggers map the code back to the TypeScript source code.
Debugging in Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code has built-in debugging support for TypeScript, including breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console.
Using a standalone debugger: Chrome and other browsers have built-in JavaScript debuggers that you can use to debug your TypeScript code.
Console.log: You can insert console.log statements into your code to see the values of variables and expressions at runtime.
Testing frameworks: Testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha provide a way to debug code by running tests and examining the output in the console.
Each of these techniques has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best one for you will depend on your specific debugging needs and personal preference.

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 15 Feb 23

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