Python Generate Table

[Solved] Python Generate Table | Python - Code Explorer |
Question : python generate table

Answered by : godswill-ohiole-agangan

# first run "pip install tabulate" in terminal
# Create Table with Headers
from tabulate import tabulate
# create data
data = [["Mavs", 99], ["Suns", 91], ["Spurs", 94], ["Nets", 88]]
#define header names
col_names = ["Team", "Points"]
#display table
print(tabulate(data, headers=col_names))
Team Points
------ --------
Mavs 99
Suns 91
Spurs 94
Nets 88

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 04 Jul 22

Question : python generate table

Answered by : godswill-ohiole-agangan

# first run "pip install tabulate" in terminal
# Create Table with Index Column
from tabulate import tabulate
#create data
data = [["Mavs", 99], ["Suns", 91], ["Spurs", 94], ["Nets", 88]]
#define header names
col_names = ["Team", "Points"]
#display table
print(tabulate(data, headers=col_names, tablefmt="fancy_grid", showindex="always"))
│ │ Team │ Points │
│ 0 │ Mavs │ 99 │
│ 1 │ Suns │ 91 │
│ 2 │ Spurs │ 94 │
│ 3 │ Nets │ 88 │

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 04 Jul 22

Question : python generate table

Answered by : godswill-ohiole-agangan

# first run "pip install tabulate" in terminal
# Create Table with Fancy Grid
from tabulate import tabulate
#create data
data = [["Mavs", 99], ["Suns", 91], ["Spurs", 94], ["Nets", 88]]
#define header names
col_names = ["Team", "Points"]
#display table
print(tabulate(data, headers=col_names, tablefmt="fancy_grid"))
│ Team │ Points │
│ Mavs │ 99 │
│ Suns │ 91 │
│ Spurs │ 94 │
│ Nets │ 88 │

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 04 Jul 22

Question : how to make table using python

Answered by : harit-rai

from prettytable import PrettyTable
A = PrettyTable()
A.add_column("Type",["Water attack"])

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 11 Sep 21

Question : generate table python

Answered by : suraj-kr-thapa

def tableNum(num): for i in range(1,11): print(f'{num} * {i} = {num*i}')

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 26 Jun 22

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