Require Once

[Solved] Require Once | Php - Code Explorer |
Question : php require vs require_once

Answered by : helpful-hamster-a5e2mmjpxx0y

//The require statement has two variations, require and require_once.
//The require/require_once statement is used to include file.
// Require a file to be imported or quit if it can't be found
<?php require 'requiredfile.php';
// Require_once is ignored if the required file has already been added by any of the include statements.
<?php require_once 'require_oncefile.php';

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 02 May 20

Question : require_once php

Answered by : helpful-hamster-a5e2mmjpxx0y

// Require_once is ignored if the required file has already been added by any of the include statements.
<?php require_once 'require_oncefile.php';

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 02 May 20

Question : php requuire once

Answered by : nate-stringham


Source : | Last Update : Fri, 03 Apr 20

Question : require and require_once difference in php

Answered by : ankur-prajapati

As there is two different kind of require statements i.e. require and require_once
both are having same functionality of including file into the another.
Using require if the file is not misplaced or undefined then its stops the execution of the document.
<?php require 'requiredfile.php';
And require_once is gets ignored if the file already imported with any other require or require_once.
<?php require_once 'require_oncefile.php';

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 16 Jun 20

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