Laravel Migration Rollback Specific Table

[Solved] Laravel Migration Rollback Specific Table | Php - Code Explorer |
Question : artisan rollback one migration

Answered by : eranot

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 20 May 20

Question : Laravel migration rollback specific table

Answered by : irfan-majid

php artisan migrate:rollback --path=/database/migrations/2022_05_19_130505_create_saleprices_table.php

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 02 Oct 22

Question : laravel rollback single migration

Answered by : aaron-sinclair

// Steps may contiain multiple tables.. if you want to rollback one table:
php artisan migrate:rollback --path=/database/migrations/your-specific-migration.php

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 16 May 22

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