What Will You Do If Test Script Fails

[Solved] What Will You Do If Test Script Fails | Perl - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : what will you do if test script fails

Answered by : obedient-ocelot-5tkogtygmlyl

In my experience, I will identify the failure,
o if it is this due to application error,
sync error, script issue or environment
is down, first of all I analyze the result by
reproduce it through Jenkins run only the fail one,
o if it is due to synchronization issue,
I will add extra time by using implicit,
explicit and some custom expected
o If it is script issue I will debugging
(identify) my script and fix it, analyze the exceptions,
o if it is real defect then I will log defect. 

Source : | Last Update : Thu, 04 Feb 21

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